Kimuntu Midwife

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Lion’s Mane supplementation for ADHD & The Sacred Womb

Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) carries a sacred presence in both traditional practices and modern wellness circles. Known as Hóu tóu gū in traditional Chinese medicine, she is not only a cognitive enhancer but also a guardian of overall health, with her neutral energetics balancing both mind and body. Her array of medicinal properties—including anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and neuroprotective effects—extends her nurturing touch to the realms of womb health, echoing ancient wisdom that connects women’s wellness to the natural world. This makes her a revered ally in wholistic mental and womb health, blending ancestral knowledge with her clinical healing. I personally like to take lions mane in the forms of my one daily capsule and cast iron pan seared in my budda bowls.

3 Benefits of Lion’s Mane for ADHD:

  1. Improved Focus & Memory: Erinacines in Lion's Mane efficiently cross the blood-brain barrier, stimulating nerve growth factor (NGF) production. This mechanism is vital for neurogenesis, enhancing neuronal growth and connections, which are crucial for learning and memory improvement, potentially aiding ADHD management by enhancing cognitive flexibility and attention.

  2. Supports Subconscious Reprogramming & Building New Neural Pathways: Hericenones, another group of compounds from Lion's Mane, promote NGF similarly but might interact uniquely with neurons. This promotes the repair of neuronal damage and the development of new neural pathways, essential for cognitive enhancements that can aid ADHD symptoms like focus and memory retention.

  3. Reduces Neuroinflammation: Beta-glucans provide significant anti-inflammatory effects, crucial for managing chronic brain inflammation that can impair cognitive function. Their role in immunomodulation helps stabilize neuronal functioning, potentially improving attention and processing in individuals with ADHD.

3 Benefits of Lion’s Mane for the Womb:

  1. Endometriosis: Lion's Mane contains compounds like erinacines and hericenones which stimulate the production of nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF can potentially influence the innervation of endometrial tissue, possibly reducing the formation of painful nerve fibers often associated with endometriosis lesions. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of Lion's Mane may help in managing the chronic inflammation that characterizes endometriosis, thereby potentially reducing pelvic pain and inflammatory responses within the pelvic cavity.

  2. Fibroids: The antioxidants in Lion’s Mane, such as ergosterol, are crucial in combatting oxidative stress within the uterus. This oxidative stress is a contributing factor to the development and worsening of fibroids. By reducing oxidative damage, Lion's Mane may help slow the growth of fibroids and mitigate symptoms like abnormal bleeding and pelvic pressure. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory effects could reduce the swelling and discomfort often caused by fibroids.

  3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): For women with PCOS, insulin resistance is a common issue. Lion's Mane's polysaccharides have been studied for their potential to improve insulin sensitivity, which could help regulate menstrual cycles and manage PCOS-related metabolic symptoms. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties of Lion's Mane could support ovarian function and reduce the androgen excess typical in PCOS, potentially improving fertility and reducing ovarian volume.

N’Zola Kuingi